Posts in Personal Mastery
Stuck in mid-career? Here are some thoughts.

For today, I wanted to start this theme of career success by asking you to think about where you are in your career, and how are you evaluating your success. I will share two ways of thinking about career success and share a mini case study. I will invite you think about what criteria you are using to evaluate your current levels of career success and satisfaction and offer you my favourite career reflection exercise to help you appreciate your own gifts, values, and unique career journey to date.

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Imposter Syndrome: Challenging the common wisdom

Much has been written about Imposter Syndrome. It is so common in the modern lexicon, that many of my clients speak about it. They say it holds them back in their careers, detracts from their experience of joy as they feel the need to constantly prove themselves leaving them exhausted and unhappy. To free yourself from its grip and move forward with boldness read on.

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Clarity precedes mastery: unlock mastery for you and your team

The world as we know has changed, and this can impact our sense of purpose, meaning, focus, emotions, and behaviour, leaving us feeling dislocated, fearful or simply needing to step back and ask ourselves bigger questions; or re-evaluate the impact of external factors on our industry, businesses and teams. I have seen first-hand over and over the power of clarity for clients and for myself. This is especially so in this time in life where there is so much noise and so much fighting for our attention, it can be hard to discern the important few things from the less important many.

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Good-doing, bad-doing: they are not the same

We are well through the transition to the new year and marching ahead to March. Since this is no ordinary year or ordinary time, many of us may be wondering in this context whether to let go of any goals. In the face of exhaustion, more goals can just feel overwhelming.

Are you doubling down on goals and intentions or are you easing off and taking a different view of what is important? Are you playing into your action strength or are you appreciating that perhaps something different may be called for?

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Find your footing: Managing your emotions and reactivity in the times of Coronavirus….

I write to you at a time when we are facing multiple uncertainties at once and this can feel overwhelming. It is a lot for our brains to process! Like many people I have spoken with, I am eager to find adaptive ways to deal with the crisis we face and establish some footing, so to speak,  amidst the day-to-day worry, uncertainty and seeming chaos.

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