Posts in Executive Leadership
Overcoming Resistance to Change

Have you wondered why despite your best intentions to improve in a certain area of your life or leadership, (e.g., listening better; public speaking, doing less thinking more; delegating, networking) you find yourself not able to make meaningful progress leaving you feeling stuck and wondering what is going on? Understanding your body’s immunity to change may provide the clue and with this awareness you will be better equipped to make the changes you want. 

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Inspirational leadership: Why it matters and what it takes

Inspiration without performance will not get you far, however, in today’s complex millennial world with flatter organisational structures, a greater focus on cross functional remote working, and employees demand for meaning at work, inspiration becomes a critical leadership capacity. Read more to discover what research shows about what makes for inspiring leadership and why it matters.

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Kindness and Empathy may be your Greatest Asset as a Leader

Leaders and executives are being called on to rethink what they prioritise and how they lead so as to embrace more sensitised and empathetic styles of leadership appropriate to our context. However, empathy is not so easy to access when you too are subject to your own personal stresses and strains on top of the pressures on you as a leader amidst the uncertainty and turbulence. I share 3 tips to help you cultivate your leadership style appropriate for now.

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How to Praise and Acknowledge like a Pro

In today’s context where many people are experiencing high levels of stress and report feeling overwhelmed, genuine recognition and acknowledgement can sow seeds of motivation and inspiration. If you are like other leaders, chances are you may think you are above average at giving recognition. However research shows there is a definite “perception gap” between leaders’ views of their competence in this area versus and their employees’ assessments. If you think this is a blindspot for you read on.

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Exhausted and its only January

The pressures of last year have taken their toll on all of us, and sadly things have begun for many with physical and mental exhaustion and grief from the loss of loved ones, friends and colleagues as well as the pressure to remain strong and resilient for the people we lead and support. Today, I thought I would share some of the practical strategies that leaders I coach are finding useful:

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