Posts in Self Awareness
Overcoming Resistance to Change

Have you wondered why despite your best intentions to improve in a certain area of your life or leadership, (e.g., listening better; public speaking, doing less thinking more; delegating, networking) you find yourself not able to make meaningful progress leaving you feeling stuck and wondering what is going on? Understanding your body’s immunity to change may provide the clue and with this awareness you will be better equipped to make the changes you want. 

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6 Strategies to Outwit Procrastination

Ever wondered about how successful procrastination is at keeping you in your comfort zone and away from tackling what you know will lead to more success. Isn’t that the irony, procrastination often is so convincing in the moment that we lose sight of all of the good intentions and positive outcomes we want. If you have struggled to get on top of procrastination and found yourself dreaming more than doing, read on.

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The A, B and C of Career Decision Making

Last time I wrote to you about getting stuck in mid-career and invited you to reflect and rethink your measures of career success. I continue with a focus on factors to consider in career decision-making. The metaphor of climbing the corporate ladder is still a surprisingly strong and influential image for many people, despite their being fewer opportunities for hierarchal advancement than in the past. There are also less clearly defined career paths, and yet most of us want to craft a uniquely meaningful career. Today, I want to invite you to think more kaleidoscope and less ladder when it comes to career success and decision making and here is why.

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Stuck in mid-career? Here are some thoughts.

For today, I wanted to start this theme of career success by asking you to think about where you are in your career, and how are you evaluating your success. I will share two ways of thinking about career success and share a mini case study. I will invite you think about what criteria you are using to evaluate your current levels of career success and satisfaction and offer you my favourite career reflection exercise to help you appreciate your own gifts, values, and unique career journey to date.

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Imposter Syndrome: Challenging the common wisdom

Much has been written about Imposter Syndrome. It is so common in the modern lexicon, that many of my clients speak about it. They say it holds them back in their careers, detracts from their experience of joy as they feel the need to constantly prove themselves leaving them exhausted and unhappy. To free yourself from its grip and move forward with boldness read on.

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Blind spots: One of the top reasons clients work with a coach

This past week, I asked a few of my long-standing clients what is the most valuable outcome of our coaching work together. One thing stood out – discovering blind spots. So, why is this so important to senior leaders? It seems at some level we know what research tells us: we are not great at assessing ourselves accurately. These self-awareness gaps can limit leaders’ opportunities, impede their performance, and ultimately drag down their career.

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